Useful Tigress Blog

A better world is possible, and we can make it real.

References for Krinn and Her Masks

Here are pictures of Krinn, the tigerwolf, the gorgon, and the xenokitty. Krinn is my avatar and the other three are, collectively, my masks. This is guidance about creating visual art of them. Click on the small versions of reference pictures to see larger versions.


Concisely describe her appearance?
Krinn is tall, buff, soft-butch tigress. She has confident posture and gets very energetic when she talks.
What are a few important visual details about her?
Green eyes, pierced ears, pink collar with “not yours” tag.
What are a few important visual details for creating lewd art of her?
One of her nipples is black, the other’s pink, both are pierced (circle-barbel). She also has a hood piercing (a VCH).
What moods do pictures with her usually have?
Energetic, improvisational, bright, joyfully sexual and kinky.
What do you like most about the pictures you’ve got here as references?
Idealized, stylized self without being cartoonish or Othering.


Concisely describe hir appearance?
Huge growly faintly monstrous tiger-wolf hybrid; hunches, tremendously and prominently muscular, massively endowed.
What are a few important visual details for creating lewd art of hir?
Hir prick has both barbs and (hefty) knot. Tongue splotchy pink-black. Same hood piercing as Krinn.
What are a few important visual details about hir?
Bulky, top-heavy, arms on the disproportionately large side. Pelt more like rust/slate-grey than orange/black.
What moods do pictures with hir usually have?
Unabashedly lustful, hungry, predatory, unreservedly affectionate and willing to be a doof about it.
What do you like most about the pictures you’ve got here as references?
Outrageously, unabashedly lewd; confident in hir desires.

Most current (and future) images of Kaydeux are pornographic. To minimize the chance of unwelcome surprises, the following pictures are presented as text links, rather than as inline images.


Concisely describe her appearance?
Enormous four-armed tiger-gorgon.
What are a few important details about her?
Mostly lightly-desaturated earth tones, vivid green (sometimes glowing) eyes.
What are a few important visual details for creating lewd art of her?
Jaws can go very, very wide. Her tongue is usually forked. Petrifications spread across the subject’s body, rather than happening all at once. She has no nipples.
What moods do pictures with her usually have?
Uncanny, presence of an alien being. Not a malicious presence, but simply profoundly unknowable. Hunger, acquisitive desire for statues.
What do you like most about the pictures you’ve got here as references?
Hugeness, looming, interacting in hypno/petrification/vore ways without being heteronormatively sexy.


Concisely describe her appearance?
Big four-armed alien gorgon tigress.
What are a few important visual details about her?
Her colors should be blatantly not-of-this-world; her hairsnakes have green-yellow-red LED eyes.
What are a few important visual details for creating lewd art of her?
Cybernetic genitals! :D Go wild.
What moods do pictures with her usually have?
Curious, eager, experimental, strange-and-joyful.
What do you like most about the pictures you’ve got here as references?
Fabulous-as-hell eyelashes, radiantly green.

Thank you!

Hey, thank you for drawing my characters, I hope I’m making it easier for you by having this page. You’re awesome.